About Us

FireFly Metals

A leading high-grade copper-gold explorer & developer in Canada

FireFly Metals Ltd (ASX:FFM, TSX:FFM) is an emerging copper-gold company focused on advancing the high-grade Green Bay Copper-Gold project in Newfoundland, Canada. The Green Bay Copper-Gold Project currently hosts a mineral resource prepared in accordance with the JORC Code (2012 Edition) and NI 43-101 of 24.4Mt of measured and indicated resources at 1.9% for 460Kt CuEq and 34.5Mt of inferred resources at 2% for 690Kt CuEq. The Company has a clear strategy to rapidly grow the copper-gold resource to demonstrate a globally significant copper-gold asset.  FireFly has commenced a 130,000m diamond drilling program.

FireFly holds a 70% interest in the high-grade Pickle Crow Gold Project in Ontario.  The current Inferred Resource stands at 11.9Mt at 7.2g/t for 2.8Moz gold, with exceptional discovery potential on the 500sqkm tenement holding.

The Company also holds a 90% interest in the Limestone Well Vanadium-Titanium Project in Western Australia.