Investor Resources

FireFly Metals

Right to Receive Documents

Notice of rights of members of FireFly Metals Ltd in connection with certain documents.

FireFly Metals Ltd ACN 110 336 733 (FireFly or the Company) gives notice pursuant to section 110K of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) of the rights of members of FireFly (Members) to elect to:

  • be sent certain documents in physical form;
  • be sent certain documents in electronic form; or
  • not be sent certain documents at all.


The documents to which this election applies includes:

  • documents that relate to a meeting of Members, such as notices of meeting, proxy and voting forms;
  • documents that relate to a resolution to be considered by Members without a meeting;
  • Annual Reports of FireFly (comprising the financial report, directors’ report and auditor’s report for the relevant financial year); and
  • a notice of Members’ rights under section 110K of the Corporations Act (such as this notice), unless the notice is readily available on a website,
  • together with any other documents prescribed by relevant regulations, (collectively, the Documents).

together with any other documents prescribed by relevant regulations, (collectively, the Documents).

Members’ Rights

Each Member is entitled to:

  1. elect to be sent Documents in either physical form or electronic form; and
  2. elect not to be sent Annual Reports by FireFly (and any other documents prescribed by the relevant regulations), by notifying FireFly of the election.

Please note:

  • The election to be sent certain Documents in physical form, electronic form or not at all will be in force the first business day after the Member notifies the Company, unless the Member specifies a later date in which case the election takes effect the first business day after that later date, or if the regulations specify another date.
  • A Member may make an election in relation to all Documents or a specified class(es) of Documents.
  • A Member may withdraw an election referred to above at any time by notifying the Company. The withdrawal will be in force the first business day after the Member notifies the Company, unless the Member specifies a later date in which case the withdrawal takes effect the first business day after that later date, or if the regulations specify another date.
  • An election to be sent Documents in physical form will not be in force if:
    • the Company is required or permitted under the Corporations Act to send Documents by a particular day; and
    • the election is received on or after the day that is 30 days immediately prior to the day mentioned above.

Ad hoc requests to receive Documents

A Member may also make ad hoc requests to receive a particular Document in either physical form or electronic form.

The Company will take reasonable steps to send a Document that complies with the ad hoc request by the later of the following:


  • three business days after the day on which the request is received; or
  • if the Company is permitted to send the Document under the Corporations Act by a particular time, that time.

    How to make your Elections and/or Requests

    FireFly encourages all Members to elect to receive electronic documents. This will allow Members to be immediately informed of the Company’s activities and reduce the impact on the environment by alleviating the need to produce hard copies of the Documents.

    You may make your election and/or request by contacting our share registry, Computershare using the following options:

    Telephone: 1300 850 505 (within Australia) or +61 (3) 9415 4000 (outside Australia)


    By mail: GPO Box 2975, Melbourne, VIC 3001

    If making your request by phone or mail, please quote your security holder reference number or holder identification number and provide the name of the registered holder.

    Deceased Estates

    The process of managing a deceased estate can be complicated and overwhelming. Computershare assists with the process of managing a deceased estate by providing the following services:


    1. Deceased Estate Assistant – A guided online process to assist legal personal representatives, executors or administrators with the transfer or sale of estate securities as a result of the death of a securityholder. The online process will generate a ‘custom pack’ unique to the estate’s situation and contain the required instructions and prefilled forms, which must be signed and submitted together with the legal documents to Computershare.
    2. Estate Administration Sale Service – Computershare can assist executors and administrators to sell the estate securities. Only securities listed on the ASX and where Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited is the share registry provider.

    For more information please visit the Deceased Estate website here: Helping transfer shares from deceased estates – Computershare. Or contact Computershare on: within Australia: 1300 850 505 or outside Australia: +61 3 9415 4000