FireFly Metals Resources
Green Bay and Pickle Crow Projects
Green Bay Copper Gold Project Mineral Resources
The Green Bay copper-gold project is located in the Baie Verte district of north-east Newfoundland, Canada. The province of Newfoundland and Labrador has been recognised as a top four global mining investment jurisdiction in the 2022 Fraser Institute Annual Survey of Mining Companies.

Mineral Resources Estimate – Green Bay Project
The Mineral Resource Estimate for the Green Bay Project referred to on this website was first reported in the Company’s ASX release dated 29 October 2024, titled “Resource increases 42% to 1.2Mt of contained metal at 2% Copper Eq” and is also set out in the Technical Reports for the Ming Copper Gold Mine and Little Deer Copper Project available on SEDAR+.
Metal equivalents for the Mineral Resource Estimate mineralisation have been calculated at a copper price of US$8,750/t, gold price of US$2,500/oz and silver price of US$25/oz. Individual Resource grades for the metals are set out in the table above. Copper equivalent was calculated based on the formula CuEq(%) = Cu(%) + (Au(g/t) x 0.82190) + (Ag(g/t) X 0.00822).
Metal equivalents for the exploration results have been calculated at a copper price of US$8,750/t, gold price of US$2,500/oz, silver price of US$25/oz and zinc price of US$2,500/t. Copper equivalent was calculated based on the formula CuEq(%) = Cu(%) + (Au(g/t) x 0.82190) + (Ag(g/t) X 0.00822) + (Zn(%) x 0.15038).
Metallurgical factors have been applied to the metal equivalent calculations. Copper recovery used was 95%. Historical production at the Ming Mine has a documented copper recovery of ~96%. Precious metal metallurgical recovery was assumed at 85% on the basis of historical recoveries achieved at the Ming mine in addition to historical metallurgical test work to increase precious metal recoveries. Zinc recovery is applied at 50% based on historical processing and potential upgrades to the mineral processing facility.
In the opinion of the Company, all elements included in the metal equivalent calculations have a reasonable potential to be sold and recovered based on current market conditions, metallurgical test work, and the Company’s operational experience.
Mineral Resources Estimate – Pickle Crow Project
The Mineral Resource Estimate for the Pickle Crow Project referred to in this announcement was first reported in the Company’s ASX release dated 4 May 2023, titled “High-Grade Inferred Gold Resource Grows to 2.8Moz at 7.2g/t”.
Exploration results
Previously reported exploration results at the Green Bay Project referred to in this announcement were first reported in accordance with ASX Listing Rule 5.7 in FireFly’s ASX releases as noted on this website.
Compliance Statements
FireFly confirms that it is not aware of any new information or data that materially affects the information included in the original announcements and that all material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the mineral resource estimates in the original announcements continue to apply and have not materially changed. The Company confirms that the form and context in which the Competent Persons’ findings are presented have not been materially modified from the original market announcements.
Pickle Crow Gold Project Mineral Resources
2.8 Moz at 7.2 g/t Gold Inferred Resource
The mineral Resource estimation was prepared in accordance with the JORC Code (2012 edition) by reputable Australian firm Cube Consulting Pty Ltd with oversight from FireFly personnel. The Resource estimate as at 31 December 2022 which was released on 4 May 2023 is presented in the table below.